02 6456 7087 or 0411 355 897

As many of you know, I’ve been searching for a truly effective, organic, cosmeceutical range for quite some time now. I finally found what I’ve been looking for in La Clinica, and I’m so excited to be able to introduce these beautiful new products to you!

La Clinica is an Australian owned product line, using certified organic ingredients, made in their own certified organic manufacturing facility in Melbourne. The products are Cosmeceuticals, which means they are cosmetic products with medical or pharmaceutical properties. This makes them significantly more powerful and effective than regular moisturisers and off-the-shelf skin products. La Clinica uses the highest recommended doses of Biomimetic Peptide Complexes, Antioxidants, Plant Derived Stem Cells, AHAs/BHAs/PHAs, Vitamins and Essential Oils in their formulations, to make them as effective as possible.

These gorgeous products can be used to treat a range of skin concerns, such acne, rosacea, pigmentation and the signs of ageing. And they smell and feel divine! The La Clinica “Enhanced Penetration Technology” system increases the bioavailability of all vitamins, minerals, coenzymes and nutraceutical herbal extracts contained within the products.

2CK – Clear Skin Anti Blemish Kit A8 – Anti Ageing Beautiful Skin Kit

The products are active whilst also being natural, using Certified Organic ingredients wherever possible. They contain NO parabens, SLS’s, PEGS, synthetic fragrances or synthetic colouring, and they even use their own silica-rich mineral water sourced from their Certified Organic farm in Victoria.

To take full advantage of these amazing new products, I’m introducing a new range of facials and skin peels.

Marine Radiance Facial – Restores radiance, softness and hydration to the skin. Oxygenating, nourishing, strengthening and toning. 60 Min for $105 or 40 Min MiniFacial for $70. Treatment pack available, with 4 x 60 Min Treatments for $365*

Anti-Ageing Hydra Restore Treatment – A beautiful hot oil infusion mask treatment to rejuvenate, nourish & fortify skin. Leaves skin looking younger, healthier, and more radiant, while feeling soft and smooth. 60 Min for $105 or 40 Min MiniFacial for $70. Treatment pack available, with 4 x 60 Min Treatments for $365*

*Facial Treatment Packages – $200 paid on first visit, $165 paid on third visit. Treatments must be completed within 3 months of first facial.

Beautiful model woman with splashes of water in her hands

Gly C Refine Skin Peel Treatments – These treatments minimise the visible signs of ageing, balance skin tone and pigmentation, soften dry skin, reduce blemishes, reduce the effects of acne and the appearance of sun damage. 5 x weekly treatments are recommended initially, followed by a long term maintenance plan tailored to your needs.

Rejuvenation Peel – Perfect for your first peel. 20 Min for $80.

Gly C Micro Dermabrasion Facial – Skin refining, minimise pores, pigmentation, wrinkles and blemishes. 45 Min for $95.

Acne Treatment Facial – Designed especially for teenagers, effective yet gentle on youthful skin. Initial consultation $55 and take-home treatments are available.

Book in now to pamper yourself and see what a difference these truly potent products can make to your skin. Call the salon on 0411 355 897 or email elisa@alpinebeginningsbeauty.com.au to make your appointment.

Elisa xx