02 6456 7087 or 0411 355 897

Foot Peel


The Foot Peel Home Kit is a luxurious at-home pedicure treatment, which removes hardened callused skin through its intense peeling action after just one application. No effort required. No tiresome foot filing.The Foot Peel Home Kits handy foot exfoliation booties do all the work for you.

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The Foot Peel Home Kits exclusive formula uses fruit acids which are very gentle. The fruit acid penetrates into the layer of dead skin cells and works on the desmosomes which lie between the skin layers. This activates the peeling process. The cells in the dermal layer are forced to the surface and then peel away naturally, due to the metabolic process.

Once your treatment is complete, the intense peeling effect takes place from about 3-5 days after and is usually complete in 7-10 days – so no need to panic if your feet have been neglected – it’s not too late!

Makeover unhappy feet with rough, hardened skin and painful, dry cracks, to reveal beautiful soft feet and put a spring in your step.If you don’t have time for salon pedicures, or want to prolong the benefits of pedicures, treat your feet with The Foot Peel Home Kit  – it’s the most effortless at-home treatment to help you step out in confidence.

Alpine Beginnings Beauty


02 6456 7087 or 0411 355 897


12 Acacia Place
East Jindabyne NSW 2627

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